World nonreligious population by percentage, Dentsu Institute (2006) and Zuckerman (2005)1
El 16% de la población mundial (1.100 millones de personas) se consideran no religiosas.2
- Gallup: porcentaje de "no" a la pregunta: ¿considera la religión una parte importante de su vida?
- Dentsu: porcentaje de personas que afirman ser no religiosos.
- Zuckerman: porcentaje de personas que se definen como ateos o agnósticos.
Por Población
Países con un gran numero de gente no religiosa (incluyendo agnósticos y ateos) based on the Total Population of each country as of 2004 compared to the percentage of nonreligious people according to Zuckerman:6
: 103,907,840 - 181,838,720
: 81,493,120 - 82,766,450
: 66,978,900
: 34,507,680 - 69,015,360
: 33,794,250 - 40,388,250
: 25,982,320 - 32,628,960
: 18,684,010 - 26,519,240
: 14,579,400 - 25,270,960
: 9,546,400
: 8,790,840 - 26,822,520
: 6,364,020 - 7,179,920
: 6,176,520 - 9,752,400
: 6,042,150 - 9,667,440
: 5,460,000
: 5,328,940 - 6,250,121
: 5,262,546 - 8,315,055
: 4,779,120 - 4,978,250
: 4,346,160 - 4,449,640
: 4,133,560 - 7,638,100
: 3,483,420 - 8,708,550
: 3,404,700
: 3,210,240 - 4,614,720
: 2,556,120 - 3,007,200
: 2,327,590 - 4,330,400
: 1,752,870
: 1,703,680
: 1,665,840 - 1,817,280
: 1,565,800 - 3,131,600
: 1,471,500 - 2,125,500
: 1,460,200 - 3,129,000
: 1,418,250 - 3,294,000
: 1,266,670 - 2,011,770
: 929,850 - 2,293,630
: 798,800 - 878,680
: 791,630
: 703,850 - 764,180
: 657,580
: 618,380
: 566,020
: 542,400 - 1,518,720
: 469,040
: 461,200 - 668,740
: 420,960 - 947,160
: 418,740
: 407,880
: 355,670
: 314,790
: 283,600
: 247,590
: 147,620
: 47,040 - 67,620
- Based on the data of the Dentsu Communication Institute and the data of Zuckerman. Largest values taken.
- Major Religions of the World Ranked by Number of Adherents adherents.com
- GALLUP WorldView - data accessed on 14 September 2011
- Dentsu Communication Institute 電通総研・日本リサーチセンター編「世界60カ国価値観データブック (en japonés)
- Zuckerman, Phil. "Atheism: Contemporary Rates and Patterns", from the Cambridge Companion to Atheism, edited by Michael Martin, University of Cambridge Press, 2007
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