miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2014


(heb. Karmî, "viñador", "fabricante de vino", "mi viñedo" o "noble"). 1. Hijo de Rubén y fundador de la familia de los carmitas* (Gn. 46:9; Ex. 6:14; Nm. 26:6; 1 Cr. 5:3). 2. Descendiente de Judá y padre de Acán (Jos. 7:1; 1 Cr. 2:7). 3. Se considera generalmente que el Carmi de 1 Cr. 4:1 es una variante de Caleb debida a un copista. 

2 comentarios:

  1. I am Carmi...I only speak English, but I have 2 years of high school Spanish.
    I tried having a web-site, but I had no success...I hope this posts...I can go to
    translate and everything will be translated...I understand this web site was
    built by Jesus Christ! It is possible as He is alive and well and NOT on a
    cross! Thank you Jesus! Love, Carmi

  2. I am Jesus and I only speak Castilian. Nice to meet you. This site is dedicated to the true message of Jesus Christ is the true love that changes the person and makes it free to live in truth and recognize that there is a life beyond this through love. In all that we can help you here we are. A big hug.


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